Creative Wellness Experiences

that Empower Positive Transformation Within You

Online Individual Services

All the packages are tailored to your individual needs, are done online via GoogleMeet and are available in English, Spanish or Italian.


Creativity Healing Sessions

Whether you feel highly creative or you don’t feel artistic at all, these sessions can help you resolve conflicts, enhance interpersonal skills, cultivate gratitude and achieve personal insights.

Book an intro art therapy session with me today for only $100 AUD.

lifestyle Consultations

These consultations will provide you with personalise tools and techniques to be present in the moment and support you finding an optimal routine for your lifestyle, needs and overall wellbeing.

One 60 minute session + personalised PDF $150 AUD.

Women’s Wellness Coaching

This is a personalised six month program to reconnect with your intuition and make conscious shifts to restore the natural harmony within yourself, those around you and your environment.

This program requires a minimum commitment of 12 sessions.