Online Individual Services

Available in English, Spanish or Italian and done online via GoogleMeet

What inspire greatness in your life?

I’m not talking about greatness where you feel you are better or “more successful” than anyone else, but

the greatness that fills your whole being with a sense of awe in just BEING, right here, right now.

Honouring your uniqueness, developing and cultivating your natural gifts, skills and talents while enjoying the journey of being alive without seeking control, validation or rewards.

“My intention through these services is to help you to break free from the negative habits of your conditioned mindsets and lifestyle choices so YOU can naturally align into a more sustainable thriving life”


Creativity Healing Sessions

Would you like to feel more creative, more curious and more connected to your own expression?

Whether you feel highly creative or you don’t feel artistic at all, Art Therapy can help you to resolve conflicts, enhance interpersonal skills and achieve personal insights.

from 60 minutes session $88 AUD

Lifestyle Consultations

To support your unique individual growth in a holistic manner.

These consultations are a combination of all the modalities and therapies I have learned and researched to date to inspire you to do everything possible to discover and fulfil your potential.

from 90 minute session $111 AUD