About Ana Flavia

Founder of Kumali

I’m Ana Flavia, wellness coach, workshop facilitator and yoga teacher passionate about spirituality, creativity, consciousness exploration, and sustainable living. Here’s what I know with all of my heart:

Life is about having fun while sharing the journey and the joy of discovering our creative potential as we grow not just reaching our potential.

The outcome of life is already imprinted in our hearts. We are all returning to the same Source, we just have different individual puzzles to solve along the way as well as unique gifts, skills and talents to share.


3 things about me

I grew up in Peru between a 10 million people city by the coastal desert, the andes and the jungle.

My partner and I are currently travelling around Australia, living out of a 4x4 and a caravan, we spend most of our days immersed in Nature enjoying the simple little things in life.

My ultimate dream is to co-create a syntropic farm/community centre for learning, healing, sharing and celebrating life. 

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is where my inner wisdom meets yours

Through Kumali I provide personalised online creative healing sessions and online lifestyle consultations that are available worldwide in Spanish, Italian and English.

I facilitate different creative, yogic and mindful retreats and workshops throughout Australia.

And upon special request I facilitate Mama Blessings personalised pre-birth celebrations and ceremonies.

In all my services my intention is the same to empower positive transformation within you and to support you fall in love with your unique journey back to your inner wisdom, for it to guide you to live in your natural state.

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Studies & Qualifications

  • Currently studying The Nature of Life (a new all-encompassing model for wholistic healing and natural living) by Brian Gerard Schaefer

  • Currently studying to be a Pregnancy Yoga Teacher with Bhakti Rose

  • HH Dip (A.Th.) Art Therapist

  • Deep Ecology Workshop with John Seed

  • Permaculture Designed Certificate at Fair Harvest

  • Syntropic Farming at Krishna Village with Thiago Gimenez

  • Coaching course by Evercoach (Mindvalley)

  • Ayurveda Wellness Coach with Bhakti Rose

  • Meditation course by Dandapani

  • 25 – hr Yoga and Activism Teacher Training with Jasmine Tarkeshi

  • Yoga and Astrology course by Sandeep Virdi

  • 200 – hr Vinyasa Yoga teacher, Sukha Mukha, Sydney - Australia

  • 200 – hr Vedic and Tantric trascendetal wisdom, Sattva Yoga, Kriya, Naad, Himalayan Kundalini, Laya, Hatha Vinyasa, Sattva Meditation at Sattva Yoga Academy by Anand Mehrotra, Rishikesh- India

  • The gifts of essential Oils

  • Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA)

  • Bachelor of Business major International Tourism at ICMS, Manly